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The Order ILLVMINATI (Old Latin) you cannot recognize it through published books or on the internet,  no one can tell you a true story about it, because he would thus break the Oath, you cannot find his Sparks, Sketches, Plans, Tables and Drawings among photographs, sketches and showcases that are available to an ordinary Man. Even what you see on this website  are not all Complete, True and Ancient symbols, but only common and generally accepted symbols that are more or less recognizable, with sufficient Symbolic, but not the Real ones that are not for the Eyes of the one who was not invited. Just to give you the example, the Real and the Ancient Illuminati Owl is not the one that many display, tattoo, and consideras the True and real Spark and the same goes for other Symbols as well. The only way for you to really get to know all Symbols and Sparks of this Order is to be its Member and only then Secrets become available.

The Order ILLVMINATI establishes Jurisdictions and Hives worldwide, through its appointed Trustees. The reason to it is that it is more than necessary to provide assistance to a Man who is wandering through disunity, the one who is not well organized, and thus unable to help neither himself nor others in his discrepancy. It is not the case only in the some region, it is like that worldwide. Mankind needs help and noble democracy leads to the necessity of voting and thus grouping those who are worse in Hive, and to their bigger strength comparing to more valuable ones, more fruitful and Purer in Freedom, Equality and Fraternity. Our Spark and Queen Bee ask from time to time Wheat to be planted, in order to help the True, Ancient and Right seeds to get Soil, Water and Light so that their Tree of Life could grow and help Mankind.


Enemies have entered into our Broader Circles and they make negative impact on those less Secret Societies; they strive towards grouping them for the supporting precisely those the Order has been fighting against for more than six thousand years, and those are all the ones who want to keep getting richer by their greed and without scruples, on the account of a Man and Resources of the Planet. The Order is an adversary to all phenomena oppressing Man and his Freedoms, the ones that are mobbing him and distancing him from the Freedom, Equality and Fraternity. That is why the Order is not liked by the dictators, landowners, multinational corporations, often moderate politicians, too, as well as those who have developed certain impacts on our less Secret Societies, because all of them serve to business and governing methods that are fundamentally opposite to our actions throughout history.


The Order Illuminati exists for more than six thousand years and it is older than all other forms of Secrete associating of a Man. The Order is founded on strict hierarchy and discipline, because it is the only way for it to keep all its Secrets, to make its Members sage and thus continue helping Man and the Planet. The Order of Illuminati created many other Orders and Societies, which are the broader circles of the order and meant to act equally useful, but to have the core preserved, so that the total suffocation of the Order wouldn’t take place and to preserve the Spark of light, because it is the only way to keep restoring over and over again positive activities of the Order and all its Broader circles. The one who hates his own Brother, remained in the Dark, but if the Brother is not right then he needs Purification and he remains Novice forever and he cannot approach out Spark, no matter how many stairs he climbs, no matter how many Roses he picks, no matter how many Eagles and Numbers he attaches to his chest or Apron. Medals and Decorations will not open the Door of ours, because not every path is the Key or leading to Decorations; some paths are Nails in the wounds and the Door.

There is a question why everything is not done publically when it is already being done to the benefit of the Man and Planet? The answer was given several times by history. Our enemies are powerful, lustful for power and wealth, ready to do anything against us and our families, and a Man is pliable, prone to betrayal and full of weaknesses. This was visible, for example, in French Revolution when numerous Sons, Brothers of ours and Heads went down for the People, Democracy and a Man, and not by the regime, but by those who were hungry for power after Revolution’s success, because Man’s urge is to strive to find another tyrant when the previous one is gone and he wants to become precisely the one who is to be asked about everything, the one making decisions, the one who is in power and the one taking out from the Hive he had sworn to loyalty and he does that until he mixes Honey and Blood. A fight against the same enemy – Man’s perishable nature, is a never-ending one. Sometimes, a Pirate you have never planned to meet is a better man than the one you set together, borrowed him treasures, forgave his debts and lived to get from him Friday the 13th and the Flame of Injustice. That is why the Secrecy of our Order of Illuminati is our most important weapons for preservation of necessary Love, Faith and Hope, and for the purpose of helping ideals of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood. That is why the Illuminati are everywhere and among you, and not all of you are among Illuminati. We defend with our lives our Facilities and Temples, our Broader Hives, our Middle Rooms, our Plans, Boards, Sketches and Sky lighted by our Spark and Our Queen Bee. We keep yours as well, and you are not aware of it. Ask and you’ll be answered with Silence, Whisper, Move or Voice.

You learned that Chain has Links, but you did not find out where the Beginning and the End of that Chain are. At the end of each Chain should be a Padlock and a Key or the Chain has no purpose; it does not Safeguard anything and it serves to No One. We have always been here to show to the Chosen ones that each Middle Room has another Door and another Room, to the Left, Right, Up, Down, in the front and in the back. There are enough Padlocks and Keys, but there aren’t many true Treasurers, Door Keepers and Spark Keepers for our Queen Bees and our Hives. You are accustomed to Pillars and their symbolic, and not to be a Pillar yourself. If you knock with your Heart being Pure, you will be answered with Silence, Whisper, Move or Voice.

Illuminati exist since ancient times and for more than 6000 years they have been taking care of Mankind, they strive for Peace, Harmony, Progress of a Man and Society. That is why WE have numerous enemies, the ones who cannot earn the material things in different way unless they turn out to be bad for the others, unless they earn on them, get richer by wars, crisis, fraud, discrimination and exploitation. A Man is not born bad and evil, he becomes bad and evil or allow himself to become bad and evil. Unfortunately, majority of people, and for thousands of years, are not worthy of the gift they have and they do not strive towards the Noble; to possess and other to possess, to create the order of Wellbeing and Love among the People, Nations, States. Our Planet has enough of resources for everyone, but not if ones have too much and the others nothing and too little. Various instances are comfortable with conflicts, hatred, poverty, because only in this way they have their spheres of influence and purpose and need for their existence. This is how they preserve peace and present themselves as fake saviors. All those who are against Love, Faith and Hope regarding Mankind are our enemies; because of them, we are the only remaining true Secret Society, and not only society with secrets.


Some introduced themselves as US (The Bavarian Outlaws), couple of hundred years ago- Charlatan-like, Discrepant. They were naïve to think that we should not be entirely Secret Society. The Spark and all Secrets remained protected. They believed that the Mankind and the authorities will accept Progress, Man’s Awakening in Man, Call for Love, Faith, Hope, but they were wrong. They were exposed, marked, haunted and they did not succeed to meet their goal. That is why WE except for a few exceptions that actually confirm our positions on necessity to protect ourselves with anonymity of affiliation to the Order of Illuminati, act hidden, without exposing ourselves, durably and we try to introduce the order that will be to everybody’s Good, Joy and Happiness. Our system is an Ancient One, Verified, Right and there are no Discrepancies that can lead to mistakes and exposure of the Spark and the Essence of our Knowledge and Secrets.


Opposite to us, there are dark forces of evil, usurpation and enslaving a Man, which, paradoxically call us enlighten and illuminated rulers from the shadow, villains who overthrow governments and appoint their people to important positions; individuals who want to rule the World etc. WE want the ones like us to rule the world; to have more influence and we want THOSE who are doing it today to stop ruling the world? Is there better evidence about bad situation for the Planet and the Mankind than what we see every day; destruction and exploitation of a Man; demolition and exploitation of the Mother Nature? All this so that the greedy ones could get richer, and hungry ones even hungrier, and that no one looks upon sufferings of a Man? Yes, our Members do try to be a part of the system in order to change it from the inside: yes, our followers are working on making things better, our glorious Ancestors initiated Protests, Revolutions and they brought Love, Faith, Hope and WE still do that, because only the respective lead to Freedom, Equality and Fraternity among People. However, unfortunately, there are a lot more those who are working against the common interest, those who quickly forget Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood, or never reach them, and thereby have never been worthy of them. That is why WE will never give up; We will work hard and We will reach the New Opportunity and new Hope for better order and better position of a Man again. Get to know yourself and if you are a Candidate, you will be noticed and Tempted and you will embark on a path that had been paved for you even before you became aware of the fact that You want it and certain that it is the Right and the True one.


That is precisely why WE want to change everything that is wrong now; we do have powerful enemies that want to undermine us, make us look bad, present through media, internet and individuals in the public in a negative way, as some kind of a shadow, group of people with bad intentions, and THEY are actually the ones who want to keep the situation the way it is now, to keep damaging the Planet and Mankind, at it has been like that for thousands of years. They are strong, armed, and well-connected and a Man, as an individual, rarely finds enough strength to stand up and confront as a group, and that is why our Battle is quite, persistent and slow. Battle after battle, war after war and Man and Planet will win. There are not many of us, but we are Solid like Pillars, ready to defend Essential ideals like Bees defend their Hive and we are ready to work on ourselves, to improve ourselves as much as we can; in that way we can help even more to a Man.

Those of you who work hard at your Tempels those of you who constantly and persistently climb the Stairs towards the Top; those of you who know how to use the signs of your Temple and Steps; those of you who have known some Tools, Secrets, Words that are only a replacement for the real Words and real Knowledge; those of you who behave in a way that you believe that you have something to hope for; those of you who walk Straight and at Angles; those of you wearing Decorations, Instruments and Weapons; those of you who think of your selves as of Successors of those who are not your Brothers by Fathers, Mothers and blood, but by affiliation; those of you who Faithfully and Devotedly respond; those of you who are aware that you have not learned everything and that you haven’t been everywhere; those of you who know that there still is a gap around the missing Pillar and its Essence; those of you who strive towards explanations that are shining with Spark, knock and the Door will be opened to you. If you remain in the darkness and silence and do not reach for the Voice, Heart and Hand towards the closer of the closest Circles, you’ll remain outside of it.


Even then, you will not be alone; WE have always been here among You and we will outreach our hand even to those who have never come close to us, nor get to know Who We Are. We are not vain, we are just cautious because the only Real Ancient and Accepted Queen Bee is in our Hive, and it must be protected no matter the cost, because the only thing that is more important than the Queen Bee is the Spark. That is why we are being cautious even with those we believe; that is why we carry out controls of the controls and that is why we are older than others which we created or that were created by Those that WE had created. We are not conspirators; WE are the Diligent Bees of the Mankind and Planet we live on. We cannot explain everything to everyone; only the chosen ones will get the answers.


Ask and you will be answered with Silence, Wisper, Move or Voice.


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